Scalefusion July 11th, 2023 Release Notes
    • 26 Sep 2023
    • 1 読む分

    Scalefusion July 11th, 2023 Release Notes

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    Version Information:

    Scalefusion Dashboard: v45.5.0

    Release Notes:

    1. Geofence-based Switch Profile for iOS: We have extended the geofence-based switch profile for the iOS platform which means that if Scalefusion is installed and able to collect location in the background properly and is Online then based on the Workflow set on Dashboard the profile on the device will be updated based on the geofence applied on the device.

    2. Google Chrome Play for Work Config and Enterprise Store App Config: We have upgraded the Chrome configuration and Enterprise Store App configuration UI to allow admins to select which keys to Configure and then select the value. This means that against each setting there will be a Configure button that when clicked indicates that this setting will be sent to the device based on the value selected.

    3. VPP App Uninstall on macOS: We have added support to uninstall VPP apps on macOS.

    4. Public IP for All Devices: Scalefusion captures the Public IP based on the last request made by the device and displays it as a piece of additional information in the following places:
      1. Full Device Info
      2. Device View
      3. Reports
        1. Download Custom CSV
        2. Download Full CSV
        3. Device Inventory
    5. Sharing Settings for macOS: In macOS 10.13 and above we could not control the Sharing settings and if the Admin had applied it then the Sharing menu did not go back to its original form. This has been fixed now.


    Team Scalefusion
