Scalefusion February 1st 2020 Release Notes
  • 28 Sep 2023
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Scalefusion February 1st 2020 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

  • Scalefusion Dashboard: v17.5.0
  • Scalefusion Android Client: v6.7.0-IC(758)

Release Notes:

  1. Dashboard Reports Release
    1. Device Inventory Report - Customisable and downloadable device inventory report
    2. Account Activity Report - Report listing all activities performed by users on dashboard like user signed in/out, content published/unpublished, application published/unpublished from enterprise store and so on.
    3. Data Usage Report Enhancement - Now use data usage report to get per app data consumption for selected group’s devices or per device.
    4. Reports Dashboard – Listing all available reports on dashboard
  2. Android Client Release
    1. Making Scalefusion compatible with Android Q
    2. Restructuring Location module for better Location capturing
    3. Minor Bug Fixes

The Team

  • Engineering: Ravinder, Kalpesh, Ujwal, Atul, Divya, Prateek, Tejashree, Shashank, Lalit, Phaninder
  • QA: Prafull, Tushar, Saili, Preeti, Ashwini
