Scalefusion October 24th, 2019 Release Notes
  • 28 Sep 2023
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Scalefusion October 24th, 2019 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

Scalefusion Dashboard: v15.6.1

RemoteCast Application: v3.4.4 (34)

Release Notes:

  1. Added support to initiate the Separate file transfer session in Remote Cast for Android
    1. Now the user has a choice to start a Remote Cast (or Control) session or start a file transfer session (without the Remote Casting) from the dashboard.
    2. Added the support to delete a file from a device.
      1. Learn how the feature works here.
        File transfer is currently available only for Android devices.

The Team:

Development: Abhijit, Darshi.

QA: Vishal
