Scalefusion April 10th, 2023 Release Notes
- 26 Sep 2023
- 1 読む分
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Scalefusion April 10th, 2023 Release Notes
- 更新日 26 Sep 2023
- 1 読む分
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Version Information:
Scalefusion Dashboard: v43.0.0
Scalefusion MDM Agent (Application for Windows): v9.0.12
Windows SF Deployer: v1.0.2.0
Release Notes:
- Windows Auto-Enrollment: The Windows Agent app can be configured to auto-enrol post installation using either Serial# or Enrollment Code by following any of the two approaches below. This will help drive enrollment of company-owned devices on Windows.
- The Windows agent can be deployed via other MDMs or MSI deployment tools by configuring additional command line parameters to indicate that a silent enrollment post installation is required. Visit here for more information.
- IT Admins can use SF Deployer to generate a custom SF agent and pass command line parameters so that when the end user installs this SF Agent it would auto-enrol. Visit here for more details.
- Support for AutoCreate Kiosk User in Multi-App Kiosk via Agent: We now support an auto-user account to be created with the given name and without a password in multi-app kiosk mode driven via the agent. This will help with agent-driven Multi-App Kiosk/Single App Mode cases where a user without a password needs to be created.
- Support for $device.enrollmendUserSID in App Locker Policy: Now, the App Locker can be applied only to the user that enrolled the device by simply specifying $device.enrolledUsersid. This will ensure that the policy is applied only to the user who enrolled the device rather than any other group.
Development: Shubham Dhakad
QA: Abhishek Pal, Sagar Lasurkar