Scalefusion September 11th 2020 Release Notes
  • 28 Sep 2023
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Scalefusion September 11th 2020 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

  • Scalefusion Dashboard: v21.5.0
  • Scalefusion Android FileDock: v3.0.0 (51)

Release Notes:

  1. Android
    1. FileDock
      1. Rename files : Now admin can rename the files or content uploaded in Filedock.
      2. Define primary folder location for publishing content: Scalefusion now support to configure default folder location and name on the device for publishing content as per need.
      3. Define additional folder location for publishing content : Now admin can publish files to a specific location instead of default location.
      4. Improved user experience for FileDock
    2. FileDock Analytics Report Enhancement: Enhanced FileDock Analytics Report to fetch Download Analytics information for additional location.
  2. Windows
    1. Whitelist Policy Enhancements
      1. Create Local User: Now when setting a Whitelist policy Admins can select to create a dedicated local user on the device.
      2. Display Name for Auto Create User: Scalefusion now support to give display name for the Auto created Kiosk user in Whitelist policy. It is a display name shown in Windows Logon screen
      3. File Explorer in Whitelist Policy : Now if IT Admin allows Folders (All or selected) in the WL Policy section then the Windows File Explorer is auto enabled on the profile and shown to the end user.
      4. Startup App with Parameters: Now Scalefusion allows Admin to select an app that starts automatically after logging into that user in Whitelist policy. This help admin to set app to start automatically once a user logs into their account.

The Team

  • Engineering: Divya, Lalit, Shubham
  • QA: Preeti, Priyanka, Abhishek
