USB Peripherals Report for Windows
  • 23 Sep 2023
  • 2 読む分
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USB Peripherals Report for Windows

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For Windows 10 devices, the USB port is an entry point for a lot of undesirable software or content on the devices. In that respect, an IT Admin may want to see what peripherals were connected to the USB and by whom and for how long they were used.

USB Peripherals Report gives all this information where you can get insights on the USB peripheral devices connected to Scalefusion-managed Windows devices. This document explains all about USB Peripherals Report.


  1. Windows 10 devices should be enrolled with Scalefusion
  2. Scalefusion MDM agent v3.0.0 or above should be installed on the enrolled Windows device.
  3. Users should be subscribed to Scalefusion's Enterprise Plan
  4. The Setting Store Historical Records in Report Settings is enabled


  1. On Scalefusion Dashboard, navigate to Reports & Workflows > Reports and click on USB Peripheral
  2. Select Filters to configure your report
    Select Device GroupLists Device Groups and Sub-Groups created for Windows. Select a device group/sub-group.
    Select DeviceLists all the enrolled Windows devices. If a Group is selected, then it lists only the devices which are part of that group. Select one device or All Devices if you want to see the report for all devices.
    Select UserLists the users on the Windows device. Select All Users if you want to view the report for all the users
    Select Peripheral TypeSelect the peripheral type for which you want to view the report from the following:
    • All
    • Input - Keyboard, Mouse
    • Storage Disk - Pen Drive, External HardDisk
    • Media - Camera
    • Phone/Tablet
    • USB Hub
    Select Date Range
    Select the Date Range for which you want to check the peripherals report.
  3. After selecting filters, click on Show Report
    Scalefusion automatically syncs data periodically every 4 hours and reflects peripherals reports accordingly, else user can also sync manually through Sync Telemetry under Full Device Info.

Report Output

Based on the filters selected, the following details will be displayed:

  • Device Name: Name of the Windows device in the Dashboard
  • USB Device Name: The name of the USB device
  • Device Type: Keyboard, Mouse, Storage, Media, USB Hub etc.
  • Total Duration: The total time duration for which the USB device was connected to the Windows device. If the USB device is detached and again attached, the report takes into account the total duration for which it was attached.
  • User: The user logged in at the time when the USB device was connected
  • State: Allowed or Blocked. This is displayed if USB blocking in device profile settings is in use
  • Actions: Clicking on the eye icon under Actions opens a new dialog box showing graphicallythe USB device's usage duration for the past 15 days, starting from latest to oldest. On the top, you can see the USB device's other details like Device ID, Device Type, name etc.
    Hovering over the bars on the graph shows the exact time duration of the USB device.

Additional Features

  1. Download - The report gets downloaded in CSV format by clicking the Download Report button. The CSV shows individually the connection and disconnection time of the USB along with other details device, giving a more granular view.
    The naming convention of the CSV files, once downloaded, is automatically given based on the selected filters. For example, app_usage_report_07-09-to-22-09 would be the name of an Application Usage report for the date range 7th to 22nd September.
  2. Reset filters - The filters selected can be cleared and re-selected. The Reset button clears all filters.
