Overview of Device Enrollment
  • 26 Sep 2023
  • 2 読む分
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Overview of Device Enrollment

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Scalefusion provides easy methods to enroll iOS devices that help you quickly manage the iOS devices. We support both corporate devices and personal/employee-owned devices to be enrolled. However, since both scenarios are different, here is a primer on how Scalefusion handles these management types on iOS. The two deployment/enrollment scenarios are described below, with links to understand them better.

Supervised vs. Non-Supervised iOS Devices

Supervision is a technique by which an MDM can provide complete control and management options on iOS devices. While on a non-supervised device, the management options are limited but mostly focus on the security of corporate data.

A device can be Supervised in two ways,

  1. Use the Apple Configurator tool to factory reset and supervise the device.
  2. Purchase the devices from an authorized Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) device reseller.

In most cases, organizations that own iOS devices use Supervision mode, whereas Employee-owned devices are in non-supervision mode. Scalefusion offers ways to manage both Supervised and non-supervised devices, however, it also gives you the flexibility to either create a Corporate Device Enrollment configuration or Invite your Employees to enroll their devices. The features, however, are controlled by the Super-visioning state of the device.

Company-Owned Device Management

This deployment scenario is useful when you want to enroll your organization-owned iOS devices and are not concerned about "who" is using it, meaning you don't want to associate a user with it. In this method, you can generate a QR Code and quickly enroll as many devices as you want. Click on the links below to manage this type of enrollment,

  1. Enroll Company Owned iOS Devices.
  2. Blueprints for faster Company Owned device enrollments.

User/Employee Device Management

This deployment scenario is useful when you want to suggest your employees enroll their devices to access corporate data OR want a sort of user association with corporate device management. In this method, you add your user email IDs to the Scalefusion Dashboard, invite them to enroll, and the employee or the user completes the rest of the steps. Learn Invite Users to Enroll Employee/User Owned Device.

Corporate vs. User/Employee Enrollment

In terms of features, they are purely dependent on whether the device is Supervised or not. The enrollment method does not control the features available except the following, which are prohibited in User Enrollment due to privacy concerns,

  1. Reboot Device: Scalefusion restricts the IT Admins from rebooting devices that are enrolled via User Invites.
  2. Factory Reset Device: Scalefusion restricts the IT Admins to factory restrict devices that are enrolled via User Invites.
  3. View your User's Applications: Scalefusion restricts the IT Admins view of the applications installed by Users on devices that are enrolled via User Invites.
