Scalefusion July 31st 2020 Release Notes
  • 28 Sep 2023
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Scalefusion July 31st 2020 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

  • Scalefusion Dashboard: v20.8.0
  • Scalefusion Android FileDock: v2.2.3

Release Notes:

  1. FileDock
    1. Shortcut for Presentation to start it on-demand : Allow Admins to place a shortcut for Presentation on device to start it on-demand. Refer help doc.
    2. Touch Analytics for Screensaver and Presentation - Addition of Touch Analytics filter for screensaver and presentation mode in FileDock Analytics report. For more details refer Presentation Touch Analytics and Screensaver Touch Analytics help doc.
  2. Certificate Management
    1. Certificate management for macOS platform : IT admins can now upload Identity certificates and/or SSL certificates of .pfx, .p12 or .cer.pem file type on the dashboard and publish it on devices or device profiles.
    2. Certificate based Enterprise Wifi Profile for macOS platform : Allow Admin to associate certificates with Enterprise Wifi configurations

The Team

  • Engineering: Chandra, Tejashree, Divya, Lalit
  • QA: Abhishek, Priyanka
  • Help Doc - Shally
