Scalefusion July 31st 2020 Release Notes
- 28 Sep 2023
- 1 読む分
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Scalefusion July 31st 2020 Release Notes
- 更新日 28 Sep 2023
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
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Version Information:
- Scalefusion Dashboard: v20.8.0
- Scalefusion Android FileDock: v2.2.3
Release Notes:
- FileDock
- Shortcut for Presentation to start it on-demand : Allow Admins to place a shortcut for Presentation on device to start it on-demand. Refer help doc.
- Touch Analytics for Screensaver and Presentation - Addition of Touch Analytics filter for screensaver and presentation mode in FileDock Analytics report. For more details refer Presentation Touch Analytics and Screensaver Touch Analytics help doc.
- Certificate Management
- Certificate management for macOS platform : IT admins can now upload Identity certificates and/or SSL certificates of .pfx, .p12 or .cer.pem file type on the dashboard and publish it on devices or device profiles.
- Certificate based Enterprise Wifi Profile for macOS platform : Allow Admin to associate certificates with Enterprise Wifi configurations
The Team
- Engineering: Chandra, Tejashree, Divya, Lalit
- QA: Abhishek, Priyanka
- Help Doc - Shally