Scalefusion Agent Based OS Update Management - View
  • 27 Sep 2023
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Scalefusion Agent Based OS Update Management - View

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Based on the configuration settings, once the Scalefusion agent syncs the available updates, they will start appearing on Dashboard.

Following details are fetched and displayed in a summarized view, with respect to OS updates when you navigate to Update & Patch Management on Dashboard. There are two ways in which you can view the updates

  1. Devices View: Provides the details based on devices
  2. Updates View: Provides the details based on updates reported

Devices View

Following are the components in device view


A quick view shows following information on status of updates

  1. Devices Updated: Total no. of devices updated with no pending updates
  2. Pending Updates: No. of devices on which updates are pending (not yet installed)
  3. Pending Reboot: Total no. of devices which require a reboot after installation of updates


You can filter and view the devices accordingly. The devices can be filtered over following:

GroupsLists all devices in the selected group. By default, devices of all groups are shown
DeviceAllows you to select a particular device and view its details. You can also search for a device by name, serial number, IMEI number etc.
Update TypeSelect the type of update from the drop-down and the devices will be listed based on the reported update type
Update StatusFilters devices based on update status. The status can be Installed, Pending or Unknown
Update Install Status

Filters devices based on installation status of updates. The installation status can be chosen from:

  • Approved
  • Sent for Installation
  • Downloading
  • Downloaded
  • Installing
  • Installed
  • Download Failed
  • Installation Failed
Require Reboot
Filters devices based on reboot criteria whether the device requires reboot or not. By default it is set to None.

Device Details

The devices view displays following details with respect to updates:

  1. Device Name
  2. Group/Profile: The Group and Profile applied on the device
  3. Installed Updates: No. of updates installed on device
  4. Available Updates: No. of updates which are pending (not yet installed)
  5. Hidden Updates: No. of updates which are hidden

Device Level Actions

Following actions can be performed on devices.

These actions are present under Actions menu in front of each device

  1. Reboot: Reboots the device. This is enabled only if the device requires reboot
  2. View: Clicking on the eye icon opens a Dialog that displays the available updates on the device and displays a consolidated view of all updates. You can also filter the updates by status in the dialog box.
  3. Download: Downloads a CSV of all the updates along with their status, published date etc.

Bulk Actions on Devices

You can also perform actions on all or selected devices in bulk. Following actions can be performed:

  1. Update All Devices: Initiates installing the pending OS updates on all or selected devices
  2. Reboot All Devices: Triggers a reboot on (all/selected devices), only when a pending reboot is needed.
  3. Sync Update Status: It syncs the status of all the updates which were approved and sent to device for Installation
  4. Hide All Updates: Hides all the available updates on all or selected devices. Once hidden, the updates will not get installed on those devices.
  5. Unhide All Updates:Unhides all the available updates on all or selected devices.
    This action unhides all the hidden updates

To access these actions, click on the three dots at the right of filters

Updates View

Following are the components in device view


A quick view shows following information on status of updates:

  1. Installed Updates: Total updates installed so far
  2. Available Updates: Total updates available (pending) across the devices (all or group)
  3. Failed Updates: Total updates that have failed to download or installation is failed


You can filter and view the updates accordingly. The updates can be filtered over following:

Lists all devices in the selected group. By default, devices of all groups are shown
Allows you to select a device name and view its details. You can also search for a device by name, serial number, IMEI number etc.
Update Type
Select the type of update from the drop-down and the updates will be listed based on the reported update type
Update Install Status
Filters updates based on installation status of updates on device
Filters results on the basis of hotfixid associated with the update. You can select more than one hotfixids.
Search feature
Allows you to search by entering the Update's title

Update Details

The updates view displays following details with respect to each update:

  1. Title: The title of the update
  2. HotFixID: The ID associated with the update if available
  3. Installed On: No. of devices on which the update is installed
  4. Missing On: No. of devices on which the update is not installed
  5. Hidden On: No. of devices on which the update is hidden
  6. Failed On: No. of devices on which the installation or download of the update failed

Actions on Updates

Following actions can be performed on an update:

These actions are present under Actions menu in front of each update

  1. View: Clicking on the eye icon opens a Dialog that displays information about the update like
    1. Device(s) on which it is installed
    2. Current status of installation on the device
    3. Updated on: The date and time when the update last synced with the device
  2. Download: Downloads a report of all the updates in csv format

Bulk Actions on Updates

You can also perform actions on all or selected updates in bulk. Following actions can be performed:

  1. Update All Devices: Sends a command to install the pending OS updates on all devices at scheduled time
  2. Push Selected Update(s):Sends a command to install the pending OS updates on selected devices at scheduled time
    This action is visible if you select few updates from the list. From the selected list the updates which are hidden will be unhidden automatically and then installed.

  3. Sync Update Status: It syncs the status of all the updates which were approved and sent to device for Installation
  4. Hide All Updates: Hides all the available updates on all or selected devices. Once hidden, the updates will not get installed on those devices.
  5. Unhide All Updates: Unhides all the available updates on all or selected devices.

To access these actions, click on the three dots at the right of filters
