Location Tracking for iOS Devices
  • 14 Aug 2024
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Location Tracking for iOS Devices

  • PDF

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In some cases, it becomes important to collect the location of the devices while they are on the field. This feature gives you the ability to collect the locations and view them on the Dashboard.

Before You Begin

  1. Make sure that you have the SetUp Scalefusion MDM Client App.
  2. Make sure that you have granted Location permission to the Scalefusion client app during setup.

Video Guide:

Please watch the video below to get a visual walkthrough.


Configuring Location Settings

  1. Login to Scalefusion Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Location & GeoFencing and expand the section.
  3. Click on Location Settings. The settings that are applicable to iOS devices are,
    1. Enable/Disable Location Tracking: Enable this setting to turn on Location tracking.
    2. Location Mode: Following are the modes for tracking Location:
      1. Essential
      2. Basic
      3. High Accuracy
      4. Fleet Tracking
    3. Location Collection Frequency: Choose a frequency with which the locations should be synced with the server.
      Location ModeFrequency

      Choose one from the following:

      • 24 hours
      • 12 hours
      • 60 minutes
        Geofence tracking and Location distance report will be checked only at the configured duration for 12 and 24 hours frequency

      Choose one from the following:

      • 60 mins
      • 30 mins 
      • 15 mins

      High Accuracy

      Choose one from the following:
      • 10 mins 
      • 5 mins 
      • 3 mins
      Fleet Tracking
      Choose one from the following:
      • 3 mins 
      • 2 mins 
      • 1 mins
    4. Click SAVE SETTINGS

Viewing Locations

  1. Login to Scalefusion Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Location & GeoFencing and expand the section.
  3. Click on Locations.
  4. This page will show you a Map with all of your devices pinned to their latest location.
  5. Click on each Device to view their location history.
    You can view the location history of a single device by going to the Devices section and Clicking on the Device to view its details.
    Location History is available only for 7 previous days.
