Scalefusion August 27th, 2024 Release Notes
  • 27 Aug 2024
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Scalefusion August 27th, 2024 Release Notes

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Version Information:

  • Scalefusion Dashboard: v54.6.0
  • Scalefusion MDM Agent for Android: v16.0.2

Release Notes:

  1. Android Enhancements
    NOTE: Please note that this is a major release and hence we recommend a phased roll out of the new version instead of a mass deployment.
    1. The agent has been updated to use the latest SDK version as per Google’s guidelines and to ensure compatibility with latest devices.
    2. The factory reset option has been removed for devices which are not EMM managed.
    3. A new remote command has been introduced to control the accounts that can be added to GMail app. This allows Admins to prevent users from adding personal GMail accounts in both Company Owned and BYO modes.
  2. Linux Enhancements
    The following fields have been made available in the Device Inventory report:
    1. Build Version 
    2. Available Internal Storage 
    3. Total Internal Storage 
    4. Hardware Id
    5. Total RAM
    6. Machine Name
    7. Processor Type
    8. Host Name
    9. CPU Usage (%) (system load)
    10. RAM Usage
    11. OS Version Name
    12. Device Enrollment Mode
  3. Apple (macOS & iOS) Enhancements
    1. Password Policy:
      1. macOS: A new setting Reset Time After Max Failed Attempts has been added, which can be used to define the duration after which you will be allowed to login with the accounts that have been disabled. 
      2. iOS & macOS: Added an option to configure 45 days as the expiry period
    2. macOS Device Profile changes:
      1. The macOS Device profile has been restructured and reorganized to call out the deprecated settings in a more clear way and for configuring the important policies easily.
      2. To avoid accidental data sync issues, the iCloud settings are enabled by default for new profiles.
      3. Require admin password to install or update apps: This setting has been set to false by default for new profiles.
      4. OS Update Settings: A new setting Restrict to Admin Users only has been added to control app installations and software updates. Please note that enabling this setting would block silent installation of VPP and Enterprise applications and hence the default is set to false.


  • Team Scalefusion
