Publishing Content
  • 23 Sep 2023
  • 5 読む分
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Publishing Content

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Scalefusion's Content Management is one of the frequently used add-ons. This service helps you distribute your enterprise content in a safe and secure manner to your Scalefusion-managed devices.

This document guides on how to upload your enterprise content on Scalefusion Dashboard and then push it onto your managed devices, all this using Content Management.

Before you Begin

  1. On the Scalefusion Managed devices, you would need the latest version of FileDock on Android and Windows devices and on iOS, you would need the latest version of Scalefusion iOS Agent.
  2. Make sure you have an active subscription to Scalefusion Content Management.
  3. Make sure you have access to the Google Drive account and the files that you want to publish.
  4. Make sure to update your devices to the latest FileDock version. For eg. 2.1.1(42) and above on your Android devices.
    To learn more about installing FileDock on Windows, please click here.

Upload Content on Dashboard

  1. On the Dashboard, go to Content Management > Content
  2. To add a file, click on the Upload File button.
  3. This opens the File Upload dialog box, which has two separate tabs
    1. Upload from Computer
    2. Upload Using External Link

Upload from Computer

Through this, you can upload any file lying on your system. To do so, either drag and drop files here or click on UPLOAD FILE and select the file you want to upload from your machine.

The total upload limit is based on the plan you have purchased

Upload Using External Link

Scalefusion's Content Management service comes with 200 MB (Growth), 1 GB (Business), or 2 GB (Enterprise) bundles, but sometimes the space might not be enough to push your enterprise content as you might be having a large training video or you might want to use MCM in Presentation mode where there are multiple large marketing videos.

To address these use cases,  we have allowed you to use your Google Drive files to be distributed via Scalefusion Content Management. The steps below guide you on how to upload/link your Google Drive files to Scalefusion Content Management.

Making the File accessible on Google Drive

  1. Sign In to your Google Drive account.
  2. Navigate to the folder and right-click on the file that you want to publish via MCM service.
  3. From the list of options, select Share.
  4. On the dialog as shown below, click Advanced.
  5. Under the Who has Access option, click Change
  6. From the dialog shown below,
    1. Select On - Anyone with the link
    2. You can leave the access permission at its default that Can View.
    3. Click Save
  7. Now copy the URL link of the file that is shown in the Link to Share box.

Linking the File on Content Management

  1. Sign In to your Scalefusion Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Content Management > Content
  3. Click on the Upload File button.
  4. In the Upload dialog,
    1. Click on Upload Using External Link
    2. Paste the URL that you copied from Google Drive.
    3. At this point, MCM tries to fetch the details of the file. If it succeeds, then the file information is shown as shown below. Note that we cannot fetch the size of the file, and hence it is shown as 0 bytes. If the file format is not supported OR if there is an error, then an error is displayed.
    4. Click on SAVE EXTERNAL URL
  5. Once saved, this file will now appear on your Dashboard.

From this point, you can publish/unpublish this file to your devices and groups as you do with a locally uploaded file.

Files uploaded using this option are not uploaded to our servers. In short, they do not consume your Content Management space.  
You can filter the list of files on Dashboard to quickly see the ones that were uploaded locally or linked from Google Drive.

Points to Remember

  • If the Google Drive file is deleted after it is uploaded on Content Management, then on devices, the downloads will fail.
  • If the Google Drive file does not have the required access permissions as described in the steps above,  then neither the dashboard nor the device can retrieve the file details.
  • All file formats are supported for upload.
  • Although Scalefusion's Content Management supports the upload of formats mentioned in point 3, the FileDock application can natively open certain file formats. You would need 3rd party viewers on the device to open unsupported file formats.

Publishing Content on Device

  1. Once the file gets uploaded, it will be available on the dashboard.
  2. Clicking on the file will show brief information (name, file type, date added etc.) about it on the right-hand side. Here, click Publish.
  3. This opens the dialog box where you need to select the Device Groups/ User Groups/ Devices on which you want to publish the file. After selecting the devices, click Publish.
  4. On Android devices, the published files will be visible inside the FileDock app, and on iOS devices, the published files will be available in the Scalefusion-MDM Client app > FileDock section.
  5. On the Windows device, click on FileDock App. 
  6. A folder with the name Scalefusion gets created. Click on it, and the file you just published will be available
In the case of Android devices, the folder with the name Mobilock gets created in the FileDock app, and the file you published is available inside this folder

You can also upload folders on your device by following the same steps as above.

This is how any content can be published on devices.

Other actions

Other actions on these files/folders can be performed only through Scalefusion Dashboard. For example, a file or folder, once published, can be unpublished from the device. To do so:

  1. Go to Content Management -> Content
  2. Select the file/folder to be unpublished. At the bottom of the page, where brief information about the file is shown, you will find the button Unpublish. Click on it.
  3. This opens a dialog box where you should select the Device Groups/ Device Groups/ Devices from which you need to unpublish the concerned file or folder. Select the devices and click Unpublish.

On Windows devices, the file will be removed from inside FileDock's Scalefusion folder.

On Android devices, the file/folder will be removed from inside FileDock's Mobilock folder

Other actions that can be performed on a file or folder:


Scalefusion's Presentation mode is an Android, Windows, and iOS device-specific feature on top of the Scalefusion Content Management add-on that lets you easily turn your Scalefusion-managed devices into Digital Signage Kiosks or use your content as screensavers.

To know more about creating a presentation and publishing it on your devices, please click here.
