Scalefusion July 16th, 2021 Release Notes
  • 28 Sep 2023
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Scalefusion July 16th, 2021 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

Scalefusion Dashboard: v30.5.0

Release Notes:

  1. Chrome Configuration Enhancements: Now Admins can allow complete domains and schemeless URLs for Block list and Allow list. While importing one can allow the complete domain instead of a fixed URL. Click here for help doc.
  2. Runtime Permissions for Enterprise Apps: Now IT Admins can grant runtime permissions for enterprise apps. This works for devices where SF is set as DO/Knox or Wingman is available.

The Team:

Development: Ujwal, Tejashree

QA: Priyanka, Neha
