Manage and Control User Access of Windows devices with Keycard
  • 18 Jun 2024
  • 1 読む分
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Manage and Control User Access of Windows devices with Keycard

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Keycard plugin is a powerful tool provided by Scalefusion that allows you to personalize the login interface and oversee login permissions on both macOS and Windows machines. All you have to do is generate a fresh Keycard configuration and then allocate it to device/user groups in order to regulate user access on your Scalefusion managed devices.

In principle, with Keycard Configurations, IT admins can configure the following:

  1. A customized login window
  2. Control users' access to devices by selecting who is allowed to login
  3. Control access of users belonging to Identity Providers
  4. Conditionally managing the user login access based on various parameters.

The document describes the configuration of Keycard, how it works on Windows devices after publishing from Scalefusion Dashboard.


  1. The latest version of Scalefusion MDM Agent (agent app for Windows) should be installed on devices.
  2. You should be subscribed to Enterprise 2023 Plan
  3. The devices should be enrolled with Scalefusion
  4. Supported OS: Windows 10, 11 (all editions)

How to access

  1. On Scalefusion Dashboard, navigate to OneIdP > Keycard
  2. Click on Add New button
  3. This will open the configuration window. Enter a name for the configuration.
  4. On the left you will find the configurable settings:
    1. Keycard UI: Use this section to configure a customized login page for the devices
    2. Keycard Settings: Control user access to devices by configuring settings from this section
    3. Conditional Access: Use this section to manage the user access by providing various parameters
  5. Once configurations are done, click on Save

  6. The configuration will appear on the main page.
  7. Now publish it on the devices by selecting the group(s)/device profile(s) on which you want to publish. You cannot apply more than one configuration on the same group/profile.
If the flag Enable Enterprise Apps to publish to Groups with profile is enabled in Utilities > General Settings then Groups will also be visible in Publish dialog box

Other Actions on Keycard configuration

  1. Edit: You can edit a configuration. Clicking on edit button opens the edit configuration window where you can make changes and update. 
  2. Delete: The configuration gets deleted from the device and also removed from all associated groups/profiles. 
  3. Unpublish: Unpublishes the configuration from the devices and from the profile on which it has been published previously. The unpublish window will display only those groups/device profiles on which the configuration was applied earlier.
