Scalefusion April 15th, 2024 Release Notes
  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 1 読む分
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Scalefusion April 15th, 2024 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

  • Scalefusion Dashboard: v50.2.1

Release Notes:

  1. Automatic Apple User Enrollment (AUE) or Sign in With School or Work for Apple iOS devices
    We have implemented an easier mechanism for BYO enrollments of iOS devices where end users can Sign In to their Work or School from the device and the device will automatically enroll to Scalefusion MDM. All admins have to do is host the file that Scalefusion gives. Post that, any user imported to Scalefusion and assigned to a group automatically can enroll their device.

  2. Maker/Checker for Actions from Dashboard
    Some of the critical actions initiated from Scalefusion Dashboard can now enter the process of approval where approver admins can go through the details first and then approve the actions, by enabling the Maker/Checker feature. Additionally IT Admins and approvers with suitable roles can even control which actions require 2-step approval.

  3. Enhancements in publishing Android Enterprise and Recommended Applications 
    1. Staggered / Staged Deployment of Applications: To mitigate the issues with bulk rollout of applications, we have now added the feature of staggered rollout. This allows IT Admins to define a rollout strategy per app that can be either fixed % or day wise % rollout. This rollout strategy can be updated as the rollout is in progress.
    2. Apply Flags on an app version: Now, while publishing the apps, you can associate the additional flags, with each version separately rather than all the versions of app. 


  • Team Scalefusion
