Scalefusion December 18th, 2023 Release Notes
  • 22 Dec 2023
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Scalefusion December 18th, 2023 Release Notes

  • PDF

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Version Information:

  • Scalefusion Dashboard: v47.6.0

Release Notes:

  1. Remote Cast Session in Progress Alerts
    IT Admins can enable session in progress alerts that shows an alert to the next admin trying to take access of a device which has an ongoing session already. The option is available in Remote Support > Settings.

  2. Data Usage Report Enhancements
    Following enhancements have been done in Data Usage Report: 
    1. All Devices option: Admins can directly view/get report for all devices 
    2. Per Device Per App Per Network Consumption: Provides information on data consumption of each app (based on profile selected) on a device across networks.
    3. Download Reports on the basis of mobile data usage and WiFi data usage.
    4. Accounts having more than 5k devices will get a prompt to download reports instead of viewing them on UI.
    5. The large data usage cards have been replaced with inline labels on each section.


  • Team Scalefusion
