Policy & Actions Status Report
  • 30 Jun 2024
  • 3 読む分
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Policy & Actions Status Report

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IT Admins may need to monitor the implementation of policy changes on devices and track the outcomes of actions taken on those devices. This helps to ensure that security measures and configurations are properly enforced across the network. This is made possible by Scalefusion's Policy & Action Status report, which allows IT admins to receive a concise overview of applied policies and actions taken on devices.

This document explains all about Policy & Actions Status report with the list of actions that are captured therein.

Who can access

  • Subscribers to Enterprise 2023 plan

Platforms supported

  1. Android
  2. iOS/iPadOS
  3. macOS
  4. Windows

How to access

  1. Sign in to Scalefusion Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Reports & Workflows > Reports
  3. Under Instant Reports, click on the card for Policy & Actions Status report
  4. After clicking on the card, a report of all the activities for the current week is listed. These can be filtered using the following filters:

Date RangeSelect the date range. By default, the 'From' date shows one week before the current date, and the 'To' date shows the current date. Hence last 7 days of data is displayed by default.
Admins can select a range of maximum 1 month from a given start date.

ActivityLists all the categories of activities performed by the user. Select an activity, and the results will filter
Operating SystemSelect the Operating System for which you want to view the report
All Devices / GroupsBy default the report for all devices is displayed. Select Groups if you want to view the report for a group.
SearchAllows you to search for a particular device or group

Report Output

The report details are generated in tabular format containing the following details:

  1. Device Name: Name of the device along with current profile and group applied on it.
  2. OS: The OS on which the action took place
  3. Activity: What activity is performed on the device (Policy Updated, Policy Refreshed etc.)
    Note: List of all the activities is given in later section in the document
  4. User: Username and email of the user as per their profile 
  5. Performed At: The date and time at which the activity was performed. The time will be displayed as per timezone set in device profile.
  6. Status: Current Status of the action. Status can be Success, Published or Pending

Additional Features

  1. Download: The report can be downloaded in CSV or excel (if enabled) format from the 'Download Report' button. The downloaded report will contain the following columns to make the CSV/Excel more useful for filtering,
    1. Device Name
    2. Current Profile
    3. Current Group
    4. Activity Type
    5. Recorded Profile
    6. Recorded Group
    7. User Name
    8. User Email
    9. Performed At
    10. Delivered At
    11. Acknowledged At
    12. Status
    13. OS
  2. Clear: Clears all the selected filters

List of Actions

Here is a list of activities that are captured in the Policy & Actions Status Report with corresponding applicable platforms and the instances at which the action has been taken

ActionActivity Name (in Report)Applicable PlatformsAction taken from
Device LockPolicy AppliedAndroid, iOS/iPadOS, macOS
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Action from,
    1. Devices
    2. Device Groups
    3. User Groups
  3. Developer API
  4. Global Lock/Unlock
Device UnlockPolicy RelaxedAndroid, iOS/iPadOS, macOS
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Action from,
    1. Devices
    2. Device Groups
    3. User Groups
  3. Developer API
  4. Global Lock/Unlock
Custom Properties UpdatedCustom Properties UpdatedAndroid, iOS/iPadOS, macOS, Windows

  1. Device Details
  2. Devices Page
Device Name UpdatedDevice Name UpdatedAndroid, iOS/iPadOS, macOS, Windows
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Rename from Devices page
  3. Developer API
Remove/Clear PasswordPassword RemovedAndroid, iOS/iPadOSDevice Details
Wipe SD CardSD Card WipedAndroid
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Actions from Devices
Reset PasswordPassword ResetAndroidDevice Details
Factory Reset DeviceFactory ResetAndroid, iOS, macOS, Windows
  1. Device Details
  2. Developer API
Screen LockScreen LockedAndroid, iOS, macOS
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Action from Devices
  3. Developer API
Reboot DeviceDevice RebootedAndroid, iOS, macOS, Windows
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Action from
    1. Devices
    2. Groups
    3. User groups
  3. Developer API
Shutdown DevicesDevice Powered OffAndroid, iOS, macOS Windows
  1. Device Details
  2. Bulk Action from
    1. Devices
    2. Groups
    3. User groups
  3. Developer API
Mark as LostMarked as LostAndroid, iOS, macOS, Windows
  1. Device Details
  2. Developer API
Mark as FoundMarked as FoundAndroid, iOS, macOS, Windows
  1. Device Details
  2. Developer API
Profile AppliedPolicy AppliedWindows, iOS, macOS
  1. Profile attached or switched
  2. Device moved to a device group / User group.
  3. Profile applied to Device group/user group
Profile UpdatedPolicy Updated

Windows, iOS, macOS, Android

Any action of edit and update profile. 

Profile RemovedPolicy Removed

Windows, iOS, macOS, Android

  1. Remove devices
  2. Remove Device profile
Policy RefreshedPolicy Refreshed

Windows, Android, iOS, macOS

  1. Device details > Gear icon > Refresh policy
  2. Actions > Refresh policy
  3. Device / User group > Refresh device
  4. Remote support > Refresh device
Publish / UnpublishPolicy UpdatedAndroid
  1. Passcode policy(global)
  2. Application management
  3. Geofence
  4. Whitelist Websites
Apply, DeletePolicy UpdatedAndroid
  1. Branding
  2. All Configuration > WiFi settings
Apply or move all or selected devices to group
  • Policy Updated
  • Android Enterprise Sync
  1. Device profile/Group
  2. Devices > Move selected devices to group
Any changesPolicy UpdatedAndroidLocation settings (Global/Device level)
Apply, Delete, Unpublish
  • Policy Updated
  • Android Enterprise Sync
  1. All Configuration > Hotspot settings
  2. All Configuration > APN settings
Enable, DisablePolicy UpdatedAndroid
  1. Utilities > Global settings > Android settings
  2. Lock screen Ip address 
  3. Internet connectivity indicator 
  4. Password protect scalefusion upgrade 
  5. Password protect safe mode
  6. Access Root Privilege
  7. Utilites > Security incident settings
Profile Applied
  • Policy Applied
  • Android Enterprise Sync
AndroidProfile attached or switched
