Introduction to Scalefusion for Linux
  • 10 Mar 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Introduction to Scalefusion for Linux

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Article summary

Linux based operating system/distributions are one of the popular and frequently used OS in enterprises due to their strong security, long term support, developer friendliness and low cost of ownership. Though devices running these OS offer inbuilt security controls, it is very important for an organisation to manage them centrally so as to be able to apply the policies and perform administrative tasks from time to time.

Scalefusion's powerful, intuitive & Simplified Endpoint Management solution helps you seamlessly manage your enterprise Linux devices along with your other device inventory. This guide introduces to the basic features that Scalefusion offers and the steps to manage your devices.

Minimum Requirements

  • Operating System: Ubuntu, Mint, Kali Linux, RHEL*, Fedora*, Rocky*, CentOS Stream*, Almalinux*, Raspberry Pi, Nobara

    • In principle, Scalefusion can manage any Debian based distribution. Do give it a try and let us know :-)

    • Debian 7.0 is available on-demand. Please contact our support team at for further assistance.

  • Minimum Versions:

    • Ubuntu: 18.04 LTS, Bionic Beaver

    • Mint: 19.1, Tessa

    • Kali Linux: 2022.4

    • POP OS: 22.04 LTS

    • Arch Linux: archlinux-2023.06.01

    • Orange Pi

    • MX Linux: MX-23.2

    • Fedora: 43

    • Rocky: OS 9.4

    • CentOS Stream 9

    • Almalinux: OS 9

    • Nobara: OS 41

    • Raspberry Pi: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) 

    • Debian 7: OS 7.0

      1. *Support for RHEL, Fedora, Rocky, CentOS Stream, and Amalinux is currently in beta. While we are actively working to enhance support, there may be some known limitations:

        1. Admin Role Creation: Creating an admin role via User Access Management (UAM) might not be fully functional.

        2. Passcode Policy: There may be limitations in enforcing specific passcode policies.

        3. OS Version Visibility: The device details page might not display the correct OS version.

      2. Remote Live Terminal is currently not available on Debian 7.0

  • Processor Type

    • x86 / AMD (32 and 64 bit)

    • ARM (64 bit)

  • Devices: Desktops, Laptops, Raspberry Pi or IoT devices running above mentioned OS.


Device Profiles

Helps you with creating policy groups that can be applied to multiple devices making the device management a breeze. Configure USB peripheral policies and Wifi configurations and push them to multiple devices.

Enrollment Configurations

Helps you create bulk enrollment configurations and generate an enrollment command that can be used on one or multiple devices to enroll them to Scalefusion.

Device Inventory & ActionsA single pane of window to view all your managed devices & their vital statistics. IT Admins can remotely reboot, shutdown or factory reset the device.
Password Policy
Secure your managed devices by applying a password policy and forcing the users to set a secure password and update it regularly.
ScriptsUpload bash scripts and deploy them to your managed devices and view detailed output that lets you perform administrative tasks easily.
Group your devices based on your organizational units and attach a Linux profile to manage all of the devices using the same policy for all devices in the group.
Device Inventory Reports
Helps you get insights into your complete device inventory by letting you download the enrolled devices date.

Next Steps

Well now that you know the features that Scalefusion offers, go ahead and start managing your device by following the 3-step guide below,

  1. Creating Device Profiles

  2. Creating Enrollment configurations

  3. Enrolling Linux Devices

Feel free to contact for any questions or guidance.

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