Veltar VPN
  • 28 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Veltar VPN

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Article summary

Veltar VPN is an offering by Scalefusion that allows IT Admins to configure a secure VPN tunnel on the managed devices thereby allowing them to connect to corporate resources, websites and assets that are behind a firewall.

Scalefusion’s Veltar VPN powered by Wireguard, allows you to selectively route specific traffic through the VPN tunnel while allowing other traffic to follow its normal path. This flexibility assures that the traffic routed to your onpremise infrastructure is only related to the internal assets, while the rest of the traffic is routed through the internet right on the device.

Key features Scalefusion’s Veltar VPN offers are,

  1. Customizable Tunneling: Choose which traffic should be routed through the VPN tunnel and which should follow the normal network path.

  2. Enhanced Security: Veltar VPN is Benefit from the strong encryption and security features provided by Wireguard.

  3. Easy Management: Configure and manage your VPN settings directly from the Scalefusion console.


  1. Scalefusion Veltar subscription plan

  2. Scalefusion managed Android or iOS or macOS devices

  3. Access to a Linux server where VPN server can be installed.

How does it Work?

To use Veltar VPN on your devices, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Configuring Veltar VPN Server: The first step is to configure the Veltar VPN server in your network. This would require you to download Scalefusion Veltar VPN server and install it in your network. Follow the link here to install and set up the VPN server.

  2. Veltar VPN Configuration: The next step is to create a VPN configuration on Scalefusion Dashboard using the VPN server details that you setup in Step 1 and push it to the devices. Please follow this document to create a tunnel and push it to devices.

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