Reports & Alerts for Windows Devices
  • 05 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reports & Alerts for Windows Devices

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Article summary

Basing on your settings, Scalefusion periodically collects the Location of the devices and polls the device to check their connection state. With the Reports feature of Scalefusion, you can collect historical location data of your Windows devices. You can also set inactivity alerts, so that you can receive emails once a device is not active for the given period of time.

In this guide we will learn on how to collect Location reports and set Inactivity alerts.

Before you Begin

  1. Login to Sclaefusion Dashboard
  2. Have enrolled at-least one device to Scalefusion Dashboard.

Location Reports

  1. Navigate to the Reports & Alerts > Reports section on Dashboard. Click on Location Reports.
  2. Once on the Location Reports tab, select a Date & Time Range , select the Device for which you want the locations for. The page will be updated with the device locations.
    Scalefusion currently offers a collection of reports of a device on a per-day basis up-to a maximum of 30 days.
  3. You can use the DOWNLOAD AS CSV option to download the location report shown on the screen.

Inactivity Alerts

  1. To set an inactivity alert, navigate to Reports & Alerts and click on Alerts option. Once on alerts section, Click on Global Alerts tab.
  2. The following options in Global Alerts screen are applicable to Windows 10 devices.
    1. Enable Email Notifications: Enables the emails to be sent to account owner, co-account manager or admins of Scalefusion Dashboard.
    2. Choose Inactivity Duration: Select an optimal interval after which the devices will be marked as inactive in Scalefusion Dashboard. The emails will be sent once a day. Once you have made the selection click SAVE
  3. You can configure who will be receiving the emails, by clicking on the EMAIL SETTINGS button. Currently, you can choose among Account Owner, Co-Account Manager, and Admins of Scalefusion Dashboard.

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