- 28 Feb 2025
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OS Updates & Patches Report
- 更新日 28 Feb 2025
- 3 読む分
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To empower IT administrators with comprehensive visibility into their device fleet's patching status, Scalefusion offers robust Patch Management Reports. This article will guide you through generating and understanding these reports, which encompass two distinct formats:
Granular Device Update History and
Consolidated Device Update Summary
Whether you need a detailed log of individual updates or a high-level overview of device health, these reports provide the insights necessary for effective patch management across Windows, macOS, and Linux devices.
Report Scope: This report includes all updates reported on or after February 24, 2025. Updates reported prior to this date will only be included if they have a recorded Published or Installed event.
Device Update History
The Device Update History report provides a detailed, granular view of update activity, focusing on individual updates and their current status. It offers a detailed log of each update's progress.
Current Update State: For each update listed, the report indicates its current state. This includes:
Available: Updates that are applicable to the device but not yet installed.
Installed: Updates that have been successfully applied.
Pending Reboot: Updates that require a device restart to complete the installation.
Failed: Updates that encountered errors during the installation process.
Other possible states depending on the OS.
Navigate to Reports & Workflows > Reports and click on OS Updates & Patches Report.
Reports can also be accessed from the top navigation bar.
Select Filters to configure your report.
Select Report
From the drop-down, select Device Update History
Select Platform
Lists OS types viz., macOS, Linux, Windows. Select platform.
Select Device
Lists all the enrolled devices. Select one device. You can select All Devices if you want to view report for all devices.
If list of devices is long, you can even search devices by name, IMEI number, serial number etc.
Select Date Range
Select the Date Range for which you want to check the updates.
By default, the start date is set to one month prior to the current date. The maximum you can select is 90 days prior to today’s date.
Select Fields
Select the fields/heads under which you want to view the report
Due to variations between operating systems, some report fields may not be applicable to all platforms, leading to empty or N/A values under them. As for example, Size field is not applicable for Windows so if you select it, it will reflect as N/A in the report.
After selecting filters, click on Download Report. You can download the report in CSV or XLSX format.
Reports Output
Based on selected filters, the report on Device Updates gets generated with the details:
Device Update Summary
The Device Update Summary report gives administrators a quick, comprehensive overview of the update status for each managed device. This is crucial for quickly assessing the overall update health of a large fleet of devices.
The report provides information on:
Available Updates: Updates that are applicable to the device but have not yet been installed.
Published Updates: Updates that have been approved and made available for installation by the administrator.
Installed Updates: Updates that have been successfully installed on the device.
Failed Updates: Updates that encountered errors during the installation process.
Device Update Health: To further simplify the assessment, the report includes a device update health (%). This score is calculated based on factors like how many major/ critical updates got installed out of published updates. This score gives administrators a quick health check of the device's patching level.
Update Compliance Status: The report can be used to verify that devices are meeting the organization's patching compliance requirements.
Navigate to Reports & Workflows > Reports and click on OS Updates & Patches Report.
Select Filters to configure your report.
Select Report
From the drop-down, select Device Update Summary
Select Platform
Lists OS types viz., macOS, Linux, Windows. Select platform.
Select Device
Lists all the enrolled devices. Select one device. You can select All Devices if you want to view report for all devices.
If list of devices is long, you can even search devices by name, IMEI number, serial number etc.
Select Date Range
Select the Date Range for which you want to check the updates
By default, the start date is set to one month prior to the current date. The maximum you can select is 90 days prior to today’s date.
Select Fields
Select the fields/heads under which you want to view the report
After selecting filters, click on Download Report. You can download the report in CSV or XLSX format.
Reports Output
Based on selected filters, the report gets generated with the details:
Additional Features
Schedule Report: Create a schedule for the report to be delivered at the said time and frequency, to selected users. To do so, click on Schedule Report button next to Download Report. This will open Create Schedule dialog where you can configure a schedule for the report to be delivered.