Device Inventory & Actions
  • 17 Jan 2025
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Device Inventory & Actions

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The Scalefusion Devices section gives you a complete view of your device inventory across operating systems, including Printers. As and when a new printer device is configured in Scalefusion, it will start appearing in Scalefusion Dashboard. This guide focuses on familiarising you with the inventory of Printers configured on Scalefusion along with various actions that can be performed.


  1. Printer Device Profile should be created and applied to device(s) from Scalefusion Dashboard.

Scalefusion Devices View

  1. Once you log in to the Scalefusion dashboard, please click on the Devices tab to view the list of all devices. You can switch between the list view and grid view based on your preferences.

    Printer devices can be filtered using Printers in View filter

    By default, Scalefusion displays the basic information, but you can go ahead and customize the view using the 3 dots menu > Customize Table View option.

    1. Device Status: Provides you with the current status of the device and the possible values,

      1. Managed: Indicates that the profile policies are actively applied

      2. Unmanaged: Indicates that the profile policies are relaxed, but the device is managed

      3. Inactive: Indicates that the device is managed but has not connected to our backend servers

    2. Device Name: The name of the device on the Dashboard, along with the OS version of the device.

    3. Group: Displays the Group that this device belongs to.

    4. Last Seen: Indicates the time when the device last connected to our servers.

      The device makes a ping call to our servers every 30 minutes, which updates the last connected status.

    5. Battery: The last reported Battery % and the charging status

Device Details View

  1. Clicking on the Device Name field displays the device details. Each of the sections below provides you with device details categorized based on their group.

  2. The device details page consists of the following main components:

    1. Top Bar: The top bar uses color-coded indicators and a user icon to represent the printer's management state:

      1. Grey Icon: Inactive printer.

      2. Green Icon: Active and ready printer.

      3. Red Icon: Active printer but in an error state or any state other than "Ready".

    2. Card Views: Display detailed information in organized cards.

    3. Action Menu: Contains actions that can be performed on the device.

  3. Basic Details: This displays essential printer information:

    1. Printer Name

    2. Last Seen

      1. Device Group Name

      2. Device Profile Name

      3. Firmware Version

      4. Manufacturer

      5. Model

      6. Serial Number

      7. Wi-Fi SSID

      8. DC Connection Status

      9. Printer Status: Displays Active or Inactive

  4. Overview: This provides a quick summary of key printer metrics:

    1. Printer State

      The Printer State displayed depends on the device's online status:

      • Offline/Inactive: The Printer State will be Offline.

      • Online/Active (but not ready): The Printer State will display one of the following statuses: PRINTING, COOLING, COVER OPEN, ERROR, or BUSY.

    2. Memory

    3. Battery Level

    4. MAC Address

    5. SSID

    6. IP Address

    7. Command Mode

  5. Device Info: This displays detailed device-specific information:

    1. Device

      1. Model

      2. Serial Number

      3. Firmware Version

      4. SSID

      5. Registered On

      6. User ID

      7. Total Memory

      8. Memory Usage

      9. IP Address

    2. Battery Info:

      1. Battery Life

      2. Battery Level

      3. Battery Charge Cycle

      4. Battery Charge Limit

      5. Power Status

    3. Error Status (with icon and Yes/No value)

      1. Battery Life Low

      2. Buffer Full

      3. Communication

      4. Cover Open

      5. End of Media

      6. System

    4. Custom Properties: Includes user-defined custom properties and the following:

      1. Contact

      2. Location

    5. Device Notes: Notes added within the Scalefusion platform.

  6. Print Info: This displays printer-specific settings:

    1. Print Info:

      1. Printing Method

      2. Printing Resolution

      3. Print Speed

      4. Print Density

      5. Total Print Length

      6. Total Print Count

    2. Paper Info:

      1. Paper Type

      2. Width

      3. Length

      4. Paper Size Name

    3. Font Info:

      1. Font Version

      2. Total Font Count

      3. Total Template Count

  7. Network Info: This provides detailed network connection information, divided into four sections:

    1. Remote Update Info:

      1. FTP Server Address

      2. FTP Server Port

      3. File Name

      4. File Location

      5. FTP Server Log Location

      6. Passive Mode

    2. Wireless LAN Info:

      1. Status

      2. Signal Strength

      3. Node Type

      4. Node Name

      5. MAC Address

      6. Communication Mode

      7. SSID

      8. Channel

      9. Authentication Method

      10. Server Certificate Verification

      11. Encryption Mode

      12. Boot Method

      13. IP Address

      14. Subnet Mask

      15. Gateway

      16. DNS Server Method

      17. Primary DNS Server IP Address

      18. IPv6 Usage

      19. Secondary DNS Server IP Address

      20. IPv6 Static Address

      21. IPv6 Enable Static Address

      22. IPv6 Primary DNS Server IP Address

      23. IPv6 Secondary DNS Server IP Address

      24. IPv6 Address List

    3. Wireless Direct:

      1. Wireless Direct Usage

      2. Wireless Direct Connection Info Generation

      3. Wireless Direct SSID

      4. Wireless Direct Channel

    4. Wired LAN Info:

      1. Status

      2. Node Type

      3. Node Name

      4. MAC Address

      5. Boot Method

      6. IP Address

      7. Subnet Mask

      8. Gateway

      9. DNS Server Method

      10. Primary DNS Server IP Address

      11. Secondary DNS Server IP Address

      12. IPv6 Static Address

      13. IPv6 Enable Static Address

      14. IPv6 Primary DNS Server IP Address

      15. IPv6 Secondary DNS Server IP Address

      16. IPv6 Address List

Device Actions

  1. Click on the hamburger menu to see the list of actions that can be performed on the managed device.

    • Print Test Page: This sends a command to the printer to print a test page. This is useful for verifying printer functionality, checking print quality, or troubleshooting printing issues.

    • Refresh Device: This forces the device to synchronize with the management server, retrieving the latest configurations, policies, and updates. This ensures the device is up-to-date and compliant with current settings.

    • Add to Device Group / Remove from Device Group: These allow administrators to manage device membership within device groups. Device groups are used to organize devices and apply policies or configurations to multiple devices simultaneously. Adding a device to a group applies the group's settings to that device, while removing a device from a group removes those settings.

    • Reboot: This action restarts the device. This can be useful for resolving software issues, applying updates that require a restart, or performing general maintenance.

    • Shutdown: This action powers off the device. This can be used to conserve energy, perform maintenance, or address certain software issues.

    • Factory Reset: This action restores the device to its original factory settings, erasing all user data, applications, and configurations. This is typically used when preparing a device for reassignment or when troubleshooting severe software problems.

    • Delete Device: This action removes the device from the management system. This typically does not erase the device itself but removes it from the management console, preventing further remote management. This is used when a device is retired, lost, or no longer needs to be managed.
