Introduction to OS Update Management
  • 11 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Introduction to OS Update Management

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Article summary


Operating System (OS) updates are critical for the seamless functioning and security of devices. These updates bring in not just new features, but also patches to potential security vulnerabilities, bug fixes, and performance improvements. In a business environment, ensuring that devices run the latest, most secure version of the OS is paramount. However, managing and rolling out these updates manually across a fleet of devices can be challenging. This is where OS Update Management comes into play, especially in the context of Scalefusion.

What is OS Update Management?

OS Update Management is the organized process of overseeing, controlling, and executing the release of OS updates on devices within an enterprise or organization. It involves a series of steps from testing updates for compatibility to ensuring every device in the ecosystem has received the necessary updates.

In the context of Scalefusion, OS Update Management provides a centralized dashboard that empowers IT admins to:

Review Available Updates: Get insights into pending OS updates for all devices in the fleet.

Schedule Updates: Choose a convenient time to push updates, ensuring minimal disruption.

Force or Delay Updates: Depending on the criticality, updates can either be forced onto devices or delayed if they're found to cause issues with business-critical applications.

Monitor Update Status: Track the success and failure of update installations across the device fleet.

Set Update Policies: Determine which devices or device groups get updates and when, allowing for phased rollouts or priority updates.

Why is OS Update Management Important?

Security: OS updates frequently contain patches for known vulnerabilities. Delaying these updates leaves devices susceptible to potential security breaches.

Compatibility: Newer applications or tools might require the latest OS features. Ensuring devices are updated means they can run the latest software efficiently.

Performance: Updates often bring performance enhancements, helping devices run smoother and faster.

Compliance: Some industries have regulations that mandate devices to run on updated OS versions to ensure data safety.

Scalefusion and OS Update Management: A Deep Dive

Centralized Dashboard: Scalefusion provides a unified dashboard from which all updates can be managed. This eliminates the need to manually check each device and ensures uniformity in the OS versions running across the fleet.

Compatibility Testing: Before pushing an update to all devices, IT admins can test it on a smaller group. This ensures that business applications run smoothly on the new OS version.

Notifications: IT teams are promptly notified of any new updates, ensuring they're always in the loop and can take immediate action if needed.

Detailed Reports: Post the update; detailed reports can be generated to understand successes, failures, and devices that might have been missed. This ensures 100% coverage.

Custom Policies: Depending on the organization's needs, custom policies can be created. For instance, front-line devices might receive updates before backend devices or vice versa.


In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying updated is not just about accessing the latest features but also about ensuring security and performance. Scalefusion's OS Update Management ensures that enterprises can make the most of OS updates, managing them efficiently and effectively, reducing risks, and ensuring business continuity.

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