Getting Started
  • 23 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Getting Started

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Article summary

Get started with Scalefusion's OneIdP feature, a powerful solution for managing user identities across applications. This guide will take you step by step through the setup process, allowing you to leverage the full benefits of OneIdP.

Steps to creating and deploying successful configuration

Step 1: Sign in to your Scalefusion account with your Google Workspace or O365 account

Step 2: Import Users

Step 3: Set up Directory

Step 1: Sign in to your Scalefusion account with your Google Workspace or O365 account

If your organization uses a Google Workspace account or a Microsoft O365 account, it is recommended to sign in to your Scalefusion dashboard using your Google Workspace account or a Microsoft O365 account.

Step 2: Import or Add Users

You can easily add users manually on the dashboard or import your Google Workspace or Microsoft O365 account users directly to the Scalefusion dashboard. Please refer to our guide on User Management for the same.

Step 3: Set up Directory

Scalefusion allows you to create a user directory with your company’s domain name while also supporting user authentication from other service providers. Please refer to our guide on configuring the Directory.

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