Scalefusion Sep 24th, 2021 Release Notes
  • 27 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Scalefusion Sep 24th, 2021 Release Notes

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Article summary

Version Information:

Scalefusion Dashboard: v32.2.1

Windows Scalefusion Agent: v3.0.0

Release Notes:

  1. Windows: Please upgrade the Windows Scalefusion MDM agent to v3.0.0 from Application Management > Scalefusion Apps.
    1. USB Peripheral Reports: Now IT Admins can get USB peripheral reports for a managed Windows device. This gives you a historical record of the USB devices that were connected.
    2. Allow/Block USB Peripheral: In addition to blocking USB Storage devices, you can now block Input devices, Media devices like Web-Cams and Network Adapters like Wifi dongles. You can enable these settings in Windows Device Profile > Restrictions > Scalefusion Agent Settings
  2. Dashboard:
    1. Password Policies for Dashboard access: Now IT Admins can enforce password policies and a session timeout for your Dashboard admins. This ensures that the admins are encouraged to set stronger passwords and change their passwords as per set intervals. Please refer to our help document for further information.

The Team:

Development: Rajan, Vivek, Shubham Dhakad

QA: Suraj Suri, Viraj

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