Scalefusion July 23rd , 2021 Release Notes
    • 27 Sep 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Scalefusion July 23rd , 2021 Release Notes

    Article summary

    Version Information:

    Scalefusion Dashboard: v31.0.0

    Windows MDM agent: v2.0.0

    Release Notes:

    1. Broadcast Messages: Admins can now send one-way messages or Broadcast messages to managed Windows devices. To send a broadcast message,
      1. Update the Windows 10 devices to latest Scalefusion MDM agent from Enterprise store
      2. Navigate to Windows Profile > Settings > General Settings and enable the setting Enable Broadcast Messages View
        1. The end users would see a Desktop shortcut Admin Messages that will help them to alert and view the messages.
      3. Start sending the messages to a single device from device details page or to multiple devices from Broadcast Messages section.
    2. General Enhancements: Improved the sync interval for recently installed or updated applications.

    The Team:

    Development: Vivek, Shubham & Atul

    QA: Suraj

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