Certificate Management on AMAPI based devices with Companion App
  • 19 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Certificate Management on AMAPI based devices with Companion App

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Article summary

Additional features and capabilities are available for AMAPI-based devices through the use of the Scalefusion Companion App. This application allows for the execution of a wider range of functions and tasks. The actions that can be performed are:

  1. Install / Uninstall Certificates
  2. Pre Grant Certificates to Apps and URLs
  3. Remove CA certificates

This document explains the installation of companion app and how it enables Certificate Management on AMAPI-based Android devices.   


  1. Android Enterprise setup is done with Android Device Manager on Scalefusion Dashboard.
  2. Android devices are enrolled in Scalefusion (as BYOD or COPE) with Android Device Manager.

Step 1: Install Companion App

  1. On Scalefusion Dashboard, navigate to Application Management > Play for Work Apps
  2. You will find Scalefusion Companion App. Click on the card
  3. On the right side panel, click Publish button
  4. In the Publish dialog box, select the Device Profiles on which you have to publish the app and click Publish

Step 2: Launch Companion App on device

  1. Once the Companion app is installed you should be able to view it under Work Profile on the device, with the name Scalefusion Device Policy. Launch the app.

Step 3: Certificate installation on Device

  1. On launching Scalefusion Device Policy app, the auto-configuration with the backend takes place and after that Certificate Manager will open on the device displaying all the certificates published from Certificate Management section on Dashboard and installed on the device.
  2. If there are no certificates published, the Certificate Manager will open on launching companion app without any certificates. You can sync policies from here.

  3. Similarly you can Pre-Grant Certificates to Apps and URLs on AMAPI based devices.

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