Scalefusion January 3rd, 2023 Release Notes
    • 26 Sep 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Scalefusion January 3rd, 2023 Release Notes

    Article summary

    Version Information:

    Scalefusion Dashboard: v41.5.1

    Scalefusion Android Agent: v9.0.4

    Release Notes:

    1. Enrollment Enhancements
      1. User Based Enrollment for Company-Owned Devices
        1. Android: IT admins can enforce user authentication during the enrollment of a device via Zero-touch, 6-times tap, KME or any QR Code-based method. 
        2. iOS / macOS: Users can be forced to authenticate themselves during ADE or any company-owned device enrollment method. The user authentication is done (using OTP, AAD, GSuite, Ping/Okta, AD) during enrollment for the first time.
      2. Configurable Device Configuration Properties: Now IT admins can configure the device configuration properties and the users can enter values during the enrollment.
    2. Application Management
      1. App Catalog for COD/BYOD Devices: You can publish an App catalog for your company owned and BYO devices, allowing users to install the applications at their convenience.
      2. Feedback notifications for Application Configurations(Beta): IT Admins can now get information on whether the App configuration is delivered to the EMM-managed device or not by using feedback notifications. Please note that this feature is in Beta and may not work in all cases.
    3. Device Management
      1. Zebra Lifeguard OTA Support: You can control the OS updates on all your Zebra rugged devices, once you have configured the Zebra FOTA with Scalefusion.
    4. Policy Management
      1. Wifi Configuration Enhancements:We have provided switches that let you decide if you want to allow,
        1. Connection to a differentWiFi if the configuredWiFi could not be connected even once.
        2. Connection to a different WiFi if the configured Wifis are not reachable.
      2. Remove Background for Lock Screen Logo
      3. Custom Notification Sound
      4. OEM Specific Changes
        1. Samsung: Knox Service Plugin Configuration: Now you can configure Knox Service Plugin or KSP application directly from a device profile.
        2. Lenovo: Disable the Emergency, and Accessibility options on the Lock screen and Disable SIM Card
    5. Wingman
      1. Schedule Power ON/OFF: You can now schedule power on & off for Wingman-supported devices.
    6. Utilities
      1. Telephone and Email Shortcuts: You can now place one-click telephone and email shortcuts on the Scalefusion home screen allowing users to quickly make a call or send an email using the default applications.
      2. Remote Shutdown: You can remotely turn off the devices where Wingman, Knox OR Lenovo SDK has been activated.
      3. Configurable Security Incident Reporting: IT admins can configure the number of failed exit password attempts after which a security incident is captured and reported on the Dashboard.
    7. Reports
      1. Device Power ON/OFF Reports: You can get a report of your Android and Windows devices' Power On/Off events.


    Scalefusion team 

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