Eva Reports
  • 28 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Eva Reports

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Article summary

The Eva reports provide a summarized view of the activities performed on the Eva Communication Suite. This document gives a description of Eva Reports.

Who can access

The reports are tied up to the plan that a customer purchases. If Eva Communication Suite is enabled on the user's account, then Eva's reports will be accessible to him/her.

In this series, we have the following report:

Eva Call History

The Eva Call History report provides a record of all the calls dialed and/or received through the Eva application, as the Eva application has functionality for VoIP, as well as SIM (Phone), calling.


The Eva Call History report is available for Android devices

How to access

  1. Sign in to Scalefusion Dashboard
  2. Navigate to Reports & Workflows > Reports
  3. Click on Eva Call History report
  4. After clicking on Eva Call History, select filters:
    Date RangeSelect the date range. By default, you can generate one month's report where the default is today's date
    Show Report For

    Two options here:

    • Devices: This lets you select a particular device for which you want to check call history. All managed devices are listed.
    • Device Groups: This lets you select a device group and shows the call history of devices under that device group

Report Output

Show report for Devices

Once you select a device, a tabular list of call details is shown:

Username: User's display name. In the case of a SIM call, the contact number is displays under the username.

Call Time: Date and Time when the call is placed or received

Call Type: Type of call, that is, whether it is "Incoming" or "Outgoing"

Duration: Total time duration of all the calls done from that device

Show report for Device Groups

Once you select a device group, a tabular list with the following details is shown:

Device Name: Name of the device which is part of the device group

No. of SIM calls: Total number of SIM calls dialled from and received on the device

Total Duration: Total time duration of all the calls done from that device

If you click on the device name, you get the same call history details that you get when you select devices in the filters.

Additional Features

Download - The report can be downloaded in CSV format from the 'Download as CSV' button.

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