Configure Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 & above Devices
  • 30 Jun 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Configure Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 & above Devices

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Article summary

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are a couple of the widely adopted browsers. If you are an organization where Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge is being widely used then Scalefusion's management console offers you a myriad of settings that lets you control and provide a safe and secure Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsing experience.

Scalefusion offers the following features that can be controlled for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge,

  • Allow Websites: Please refer to our help document on how to allow websites in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

  • Chrome/Edge Configurations: A collection of settings divided into the multiple sections to get a granular control on Google Chrome and/or Microsoft Edge. This document helps you understand the various settings and how to use them.

Before you Begin

  1. Create a Windows Device Profile

  2. Ensure that Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge is installed on all the Windows 10 devices.

Configuring Chrome/Edge Configurations

  1. Navigate to Device Profiles & Policies > Device Profiles and either Edit an existing Windows profile or create a new Windows profile.

  2. Click on Chrome/Edge Configurations to configure these settings.

STARTUP This section offers you to control the startup experience. The options are:

  • HomePage: Choose to

    • Allow users to Control.

    • Open a New Tab.

    • Launch below URL.

      • Home Page URL: Enter URL of website that should open when you click on Home button of chrome/edge browser.

      • Launch URLs: Enter URLs of websites that should open on launch of chrome/edge browser. You can add multiple URLs which will open in separate tabs at the launch of browser. The URLs you enter should be separated by comma.

  • HomeButton

    • Configure if you want to enforce the "Home" button or hide it.

USER EXPERIENCE This section lets you control the various user experience related items:

  • Bookmark Folder Name: Provide a name for the bookmark bar.

    • Note: Empty bookmark folder names will not show up until a bookmark is added.

  • Bookmark Bar: Configure Bookmark bar visibility, you can either enforce it or disable it or let users control it.

  • Developer Tools: Choose to Allow or Disable developer tools. Allowing it will allow the use of F12 key or Inspect option on web-pages.

  • AutoFill: Select AutoFill behavior by enforcing it, disabling it or having users control it.

CONTENT This section lets you control the policies related to web content. The options are:

  • Cookie Policy: Define a Cookie policy by allowing or blocking them. You can also choose to delete them once the browser is closed.

  • Run Javascript: Configure if Javascript is allowed to run. Please note that most modern websites need Javascript to be allowed.

  • Popups: Configure of popups are allowed to be displayed or blocked.

  • Plugins: Allows you to set whether websites are allowed to automatically run the Flash plugin.

  • Google Web Search: Configure if SafeSearch in Google Search is always active.

  • YouTube Restriction Mode: Enforces a minimum Restricted Mode on YouTube and prevents users from picking a less restricted mode.

  • Extend Allowed Website List Rules: You can choose to extend the Allowed Websites that you have allowed by the following options:

    • Allow only the URLs in Allowed Website section: Default option.

    • Allow the domains of the URLs in Allowed section: Allows the domains of the URLs that are allowed. e.g: If is allowed, then all URLs from "scalefusion" domain are allowed.

    • Allow All Except below: Allow all websites except the ones entered in the text input below, that is specify a blocked list. Please enter the websites in the format

SECURITY Use this section to enforce the following security policies:

  • Password Manager: If this setting is disabled, users cannot save new passwords, but they may still use passwords that have been saved previously.

  • Incognito Mode: Specifies whether the user may open pages in Incognito mode.

  • Browser History: Control if browsing history should be saved.

  • Clear Browser History: Control if users can delete browsing and download history.

    • Note that even with this policy disabled, the browsing and download history are not guaranteed to be retained: users may be able to edit or delete the history database files directly, and the browser itself may expire or archive any or all history items at any time.

  • Malicious Sites: Prevent users from proceeding anyway from the warning page to the malicious site.

    • Note: This policy only prevents users from proceeding on Safe Browsing warnings (e.g. malware and phishing) not for SSL certificate related issues like invalid or expired certificates.

This is a Google Chrome specific setting and DOES NOT work on Microsoft Edge.

  • GeoLocation: Allows you to set whether websites are allowed to track the users' physical location. Tracking the users' physical location can be allowed by default, denied by default or the user can be asked every time a website requests the physical location.

  • Browser SignIn: This policy controls the sign-in behavior of the browser. You can Allow, Block or Force the users to SignIn using their managed account.

  • Force Ephemeral Mode: If set to Erase after session, then the profile data is persisted on disk only for the length of the user session. Features like browser history, extensions and their data, web data like cookies and web databases are not preserved after the browser is closed. However this does not prevent the user from downloading any data to disk manually, save pages or print them.

  • Configure Sidebar Visibility in Microsoft Edge: This policy controls hiding or showing the sidebar. This will disable/enable sidebar containing copilot or any other quick links.

NETWORK Use these settings to configure proxy settings.

Proxy Settings: The options are:

  • User Control: Let users control the setting.

  • Never Use Proxy: Enforce direct connection.

  • Auto-Detect: Auto-Detect proxy based on system settings.

  • Proxy URL: Specify a valid https(s) URL defining the proxy rules.

  • Proxy File URL: Provide a URL for a file containing the proxy rules.

SEARCH Configure the search settings.

  • Search Suggestions: Enable or disable search suggestions in omnibox and prevents users from changing this setting.

  • Default Search Provider: Lockdown the default search provider by providing the following details:

    • Search Provider Name: The Search providers name.

    • Search Provider Keyword: Specifies the keyword, which is the shortcut used in the omnibox to trigger the search for this provider.

    • Search Provider URL: Should be in the format of https://<url>q{searchTerms} e.g:{searchTerms}

    • Search Provider Icon: Optionally provide the icon for the search provider.

PRINTING Use this section to configure the Printing options.

  • Printing Settings: If this setting is enabled or not configured, users can print. If this setting is disabled, users cannot print from the browser. Printing is disabled in the wrench menu, extensions, JavaScript applications, etc.

    • Note: It is still possible to print from plugins that bypass Google Chrome while printing. For example, certain Flash applications have the print option in their context menu, which is not covered by this policy.

  • Google Cloud Print: Allow or Block documents to be submitted to Google Cloud Print.

This is a Google Chrome specific setting and DOES NOT work on Microsoft Edge.

  • Cloud Printer Management: Allow or Block users to add or remove cloud printers.

This is a Google Chrome specific setting and DOES NOT work on Microsoft Edge.

Once you have made the required settings, click on NEXT > UPDATE PROFILE to save the changes to the profile. Once a profile is saved the changes are pushed to all the devices in the profile.


1. The policies are applied only to the devices where Google Chrome and/or Microsoft Edge is pre-installed.

2. Some policies require the Google Chrome and/or Microsoft Edge to be restarted and are applied only on browser restart.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can we enforce users to use Google Chrome instead of Microsoft Edge?

Answer: Yes. You can choose to block Microsoft Edge using the Application Policy in Device Profile. This will force the users to use Google Chrome.

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